Accounting Education Study Program Holds Workshop on Developing Standard Operational Procedures (POB) to Respond to MBKM

Thursday (27/10/2022) Accounting Education Study Program FKIP UMS held the preparation of Standard Operating Procedures (POB) at Harris Hotel Surakarta. This POB is a form of study program’s response and commitment to support the Ministry of Education and Culture’s Research and Technology Ministry of Education and Culture’s Independent Learning Campus (MBKM) program.

As is known, the MBKM program was formed by the Ministry of Education and Culture and Research and Technology in order to provide learning opportunities in the field for students. The field experience aims to encourage students to master various sciences that are useful for entering the world of work. Merdeka Learning – Merdeka Campus provides opportunities for students to have other learning experiences outside of their study program.

In practice, it turns out that MBKM has generated several positive and negative findings which have become a challenge for the institution. An example is experienced in the Accounting Education Study Program FKIP UMS where students sometimes experience difficulties in converting or admitting courses that are in accordance with MBKM activities. This cannot be underestimated because students actually do not get the maximum provision in accordance with the courses they convert.

Therefore, the Accounting Education Study Program sees the need to develop Standard Operational Procedures (SOP) for students taking MBKM. This POB is expected to be able to bridge the problems that previously appeared. So that MBKM students can fully benefit from the MBKM program without having to lose their identity as Accounting Education students. In addition to involving lecturers from the Accounting Education Study Program, this workshop also presented speakers from the UMS Learning Innovation Bureau (BIP), namely Koesomo Ratih, Ph.D and Dr. Laily Etika Rahmawati.

Some of the urgency that will become a priority in the future in the preparation of POB include:

  • The study program must compile and adjust to the independent campus implementation model (accounting education study program has already prepared curriculum documents by integrating the MBKM program)
  • Facilitating students who will take cross- study programs in tertiary institutions
  • Offers courses that can be taken by students outside the study program and outside the PT along with the requirements
  • Carry out equivalence of courses with learning activities outside the study program and outside PT
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